Asterions word is law, and he rules the club and fighting arena with an iron fist. The Labyrinth is a place of deals and desire, where the wealthy and dangerous play. The video below courtesy of DanaDuchy shows this scene and how each companion reacts to your developing relationship. A club owner with a monstrous secret, an assassin with his name on a contract, a burning chemistry they cant deny. Follow the choices below and the screen will become covered with an “Under Construction” screen mixed with a couple more animated moments of talking. Choose Astarion and this will lead to a conversation before a passionate night with him. Return to a bedroll and interact with it for a decision where you can go to bed alone or with Astarion. And what’s your idea of ‘a little fun’?.True, the goblins would have thrown a wilder party.Make your way over to Astarion and follow these choices below to romance him. Once you complete these quests and take a long rest, there will be a celebration with the refugees at your campsite. The first opportunity with Astarion takes place during a celebration at the campsite after rescuing the Druid Halsin and completing the side quest, Save the Refugees. The early access release of Baldur’s Gate III seems to have one romantic opportunity with each companion. Romancing Astarion at the Refugee Celebration

If you have a negative relationship, he won’t have any interest in you when it matters. There are many times throughout the story and moments back at the campsite with Astarion that can influence his opinion of you.

Also, it’s extremely important to try and make your decisions with his approval in mind. Before you can get a chance with Astarion for a romance scene, you’ll need to make some progress in Baldur’s Gate III.